New York State Assemblymember George Álvarez (AD78) has strongly criticized former President Donald Trump’s recent attempt to revoke birthright citizenship, reaffirming his commitment to protecting the rights of individuals born in the United States.
In a public statement addressing his constituents, Álvarez emphasized the constitutional guarantee provided by the 14th Amendment, which affirms that anyone born on U.S. soil, including U.S. territories like Puerto Rico, is a citizen of the United States.
“The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution states clearly that anyone born in the United States is a United States citizen,” Álvarez declared. “This includes U.S. Territories like Puerto Rico.”
Speaking directly to the residents of District 78, Álvarez pledged to defend their rights against any attempts to undermine this constitutional principle. “I pledge to you that I will take any and every action within my power to ensure that those born in our great communities of A.D. 78 will enjoy all of the same rights and protections granted to prior generations of new Americans,” he vowed.
The statement, issued in both English and Spanish, highlights Álvarez’s commitment to inclusivity and his role as a representative of a diverse district.
El Asambleísta Álvarez Condena el Intento de Revocar la Ciudadanía por Nacimiento
El miembro de la Asamblea del Estado de Nueva York, George Álvarez (AD78), ha criticado enérgicamente el reciente intento del expresidente Donald Trump de revocar la ciudadanía por nacimiento, reafirmando su compromiso de proteger los derechos de las personas nacidas en los Estados Unidos.
En su declaración, Álvarez destacó la garantía constitucional proporcionada por la 14ª Enmienda, que afirma que cualquier persona nacida en territorio estadounidense, incluidos los territorios como Puerto Rico, es ciudadana de los Estados Unidos.
“La 14ª Enmienda a la Constitución de los Estados Unidos establece claramente que cualquier persona nacida en los Estados Unidos es ciudadana de los Estados Unidos,” afirmó Álvarez. “Esto incluye territorios de los Estados Unidos como Puerto Rico.”
Dirigiéndose a las comunidades del Distrito 78, Álvarez prometió defender sus derechos contra cualquier intento de socavar este principio constitucional. “Prometo que tomaré todas y cada una de las medidas en mi poder para garantizar que aquellos nacidos en nuestras grandes comunidades del Distrito 78 disfruten de todos los mismos derechos y protecciones otorgados a generaciones anteriores de nuevos norteamericanos,” aseguró.
Assemblymember Álvarez’s firm stance against efforts to challenge birthright citizenship reflects his dedication to safeguarding constitutional rights and ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their background, receive equal protections under the law.
Representing the 78th District in the New York State Assembly, Álvarez continues to champion the values of inclusion and justice for his constituents, proudly advocating for their rights at both the state and national levels.